My intention this week is to discuss some of the musical and aesthetic issues that arise in the context of globalization. We’ll look at some of the intersections that arose in the early 20th century as setting a bit of a backdrop for current issues. Come to class ready to discuss, bring an example of a cross-cultural musical encounter if you can. I made some slides to prompt questions and here they are for your review:
Global Encounters Postcolonial questions and issues
Aside from the textbook chapters that introduce the musical selections in our anthology, you might think about the issue of musical appropriation. There has been a fair bit written lately. Here is a recent blog post that summarizes some of the issues in light of popular music.
For a more scholarly approach to this topic, take a look at the first chapter “Introduction: On Difference, Representation, and Appropriation in Music” by Georgina Born and David Hesmondhalgh in Western Music and Its Others: Difference, Representation, and Appropriation in Music (Berkeley: University California Press, 2000).
If you can’t access the chapter with that link (which goes to ebrary, our digital book collection for which you need to know your Lehman email) I attach it here as a pdf.