Tag: String Quartet

Kronos Quartet

Fifty for the Future

Kronos Quartet / Kronos Performing Arts Association has launched an exciting new commissioning initiative, Fifty for the Future: The Kronos Learning Repertoire. Beginning in the 2015–2016 season, Fifty for the Future will commission 50 new works—10 per year for five years—devoted to contemporary approaches to the quartet, and designed expressly for the training of students and emerging professionals. The works will be created by an eclectic group of composers—25 men and 25 women. Kronos will premiere each piece and create companion digital materials, including scores, recordings, and performance notes that will be distributed online for free. Kronos’ Fifty for the Future will present string quartet music as a living art form. Kronos, Carnegie Hall, and an adventurous list of project partners have joined forces to support this exciting new commissioning, performance, education, and legacy project of unprecedented scope and potential impact.